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Housing plays an important role in shaping a community. As the Nation faces a housing shortage crisis, in rapid changing times, the access to safe, reliable and affordable housing should no longer be taken as a want, but as an urgent need to ensure Canada economic growth and family resources. Internationally, the new constructions of affordable housing projects strengthens our long term investments, commitment and representation as a Nation taking care  of each other.

As a housing organization IDEAS HC and Affordable Housing Conference (AHC)  is devoted to lead the change through a variety of conferences, strategic meetings, seminars and special events that build vital relationships and diversity representation in demanding marketplace.

Join us in our genuine efforts to strengthen our communities and ensure a brighter future for everyone.

New Keys
Conference Mingling
Quick Sync
Gala Table
Green Indoors
Construction Engineer

Get Involved Conferences

IDEAS HC will ensure the 2025/2026 conferences delivers an enriching and educational program for all attendees, thanks to the generous donations of our Sponsors and Idea Supporters who believe housing is a right for all, regardless of race, creed and/or identity to ensure that everyone has a home, that meets their needs, in their community, at a price they can afford. 

2025 Call for Discussion Presents



We have the know-how you need.

Explore the latest trends in affordable housing at our International Indigenous and Black Affordable Housing Conferences. Join us for insightful discussions on key pillars shaping the future of housing. Don't miss this opportunity to network with industry experts and professionals.

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In the Library


Take up to 40% OFF 

In celebration of Black History Month in North America and the historical advancement for Black Communities enjoy an additional 40% off all Conference Tickets purchased in February for  the Affordable Housing Conference for Black Communities, International Affordable Housing Conference, Father's Day Run and 3on3 Basketball Tournament 10% Off all month long. 


Save an additional 40%

Available for the first 60 tickets purchased or via Invoice

Use Code: BLACKHISTORY40 at checkout

Valid from: February 1 - February 28, 2025



Hotel Bedroom Entrance



It saves to register early! Save up to $700. 


Thanks to our preferred hotel partners we are able to offer 40 free hotel accommodations for 4 Days/3 Nights  with advance purchase of conference tickets before February 7, 2025 while supplies last.


20 Codes available for - AHCIC

20 Codes available for - AHCBC

Use Code: FREEHOTEL at checkout a deduction of $1 will be  reflected on the promo code to be activated.


Valid from:

February 3 - February 17, 2025

Key Pillars

​The Affordable Housing Conferences, Conference Expos and Special Events have intertwining components and exemplify a larger initiative to support the development and implementation of community-led projects, partnerships, financial resources; innovations to meet demands of the housing market, community  centres and resources as a whole. 


Conference Seating
Living Room Interior

Join us for the 2025/2026 Affordable Housing Conferences, Open Panel Discussion and Events! Register early to secure your spot at these National & International inclusive professional development events, featuring a diverse range of topics and a comprehensive agenda. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation and contribute to the future of affordable housing. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with experts and community leaders!

March 31 - April 3, 2025

Indigenous Affordable Housing Conference

Celebrate National Indigenous Languages Day and recognize the importance of Indigenous Languages in Canada as the many rich languages convey wisdom & guidance into meaningful  affordable housing discussions and actions

June 5-7, 2025

Affordable Housing Conference for Black Communities

Celebrate National Indigenous History Month in Canada with meaningful discussions and networking at the  Affordable Housing Conference for Black Communities. Collaborate with regional, national and international leaders and industry professionals.

June 5-7, 2025

Affordable Housing Conference for Black Communities

Celebrate National Indigenous History Month in Canada with meaningful discussions and networking at the  Affordable Housing Conference for Black Communities. Collaborate with regional, national and international leaders and industry professionals.

TBA 2025

Student Housing Conference &  Open Panel

With rising rental rates, inadequate affordable supply and  more students wanting to stay on campus longer, the conference explore solutions and innovative ways with an on-site open-panel  student and post-secondary game changer discussions.

January 2-5, 2026

2026 International Affordable Housing Conference

A Premiere Destination  Conference which is Inclusive of the International Indigenous Affordable Housing Conference and International Black Affordable Housing Conference. The IAHC takes a proactive approach into the forecast of housing in the New Year.

 Join us for insightful discussions on key pillars shaping the future of housing. In efforts to achieve greater results of stability for the working-class families and the vulnerable population, greater efforts must be made to boost production of affordable housing on a local, national and international scale. 

To better support Families, at-risk populations, students, seniors, Indigenous & Black Communities, the conference also explores key factors and challenges contributing to our nation's residential housing crisis and offers emerging cross-sector solutions from an international perspective on how other countries have or are forecasted to expand affordable housing opportunities in their community in 2026.

IDEAS HC is committed to being at the forefront of change. We believe in equipping ourselves and the communities we serve with the essential tools and innovative strategies necessary to make affordable housing accessible and achievable by 2025.

By coming together, at the International Affordable Housing Conference & Strategy Meetings, we can  share information and define our objectives for the start of 2026. Don't miss this time sensitive, essential professional development  to network with industry experts, Chiefs, decision makers and professionals from across the world.



Lunch at Conference

Gather Here!


IAHC will be known for its pioneer innovation development a premier destination affordable housing conference.


We are thrilled to have Jamacia host the 2026 IAHC, IIAHC & IBAHC as a work-related opportunity to relax, refresh and reenergize for a new year that will encompass our best foot forward.

Book a place >
Luxury Beach Resort

Plan to attend

As an urgent call for discussion attendance is reserved exclusively industry professionals including private and nonprofit affordable housing developers, owners, planners, housing advocates, architects, construction, engineers, community service providers, community groups, financial developers and/or economic development officials. 

 Supporting Diversity 3 in 1 Conference Platform


General Conference Pillars, Seminars & Meetings

The majority of the 2026 IIAHC forums and convenings will be grouped all together to ensure all participants receive the same general information. These intertwining sections are open to all registered attendees regardless of identity.



International Indigenous Affordable Housing Conference & Strategy Meetings

To be eligible to attend Indigenous Specific Conference Pillars & Strategic meetings, attendance is reserved exclusively for Indigenous Peoples & Indigenous Communities. You must either self-identify as Indigenous Peoples, inclusive of individual preferences, but not limited to: (First Nations (Status or Non-Status), Inuit, Métis), Alaskan Natives, Native Hawaiians, Native American,  Indígena, First Nations Australians or provide evidence of having meaningful and culturally-safe involvement with Indigenous Peoples.


For example: 

Ideal registered attendees include but not limited to: 


  • A Self-Identified Indigenous Person interested in Affordable Housing  

  • Indigenous Leaders and Decision Makers

  • Indigenous Post-Secondary Students On/Off Campus Representatives 

  • Indigenous screen-based creators 

  • Indigenous-owned production companies 

  • Indigenous Construction & Real Estate Companies 

  • Indigenous Housing Organizations 

  • Chiefs, Elders and Community Leaders both On/Off Reserve

  • Community Service Providers who largely serve Indigenous Peoples 

  • Recent Graduates, Doctorates and/or those registered with an accredited school in graduate degree/diploma program with primary areas of studies related to Community Services, Law, Property Management, Engineer, Construction, Culture & Heritage Preservation, Gender, Wellness & Social Services etc.


International Black Affordable Housing Conference & Strategy Meetings

To be eligible to attend Black Communities Specific Conference Pillars & Strategic meetings, attendance is reserved exclusively for Black Community Members.  You must either self-identify as Black or provide evidence of having meaningful and culturally-safe involvement with the Black Communities.


IAHC Agenda Sneak Peak

Contemporary Homes

​Technology & Affordability 

Innovative Case Studies: leveraging new ideas, technologies and materials for On/Off Reserve, Rural, Remote Northern Communities, and highly condensed urban City Centre's 



IDEAS HC is leading in innovation as the organizer of the International Affordable Housing Conference & Strategy Meetings (IAHC) for Indigenous Communities (International Indigenous Affordable Housing Conference & Strategy Meetings (IIAHC)) and for Blacks Communities (International Black Affordable Housing Conference & Strategy Meeting (IBAHC)). 


Here, you will find all the essentials of a housing conference without the constraints of the usual on-lookers as we provide a platform to brainstorm new ideas for growth, set priorities, educate, allocate resources, reconciliation, and prepare for the New Year in a relaxing tropical setting. Both the IIAHC and IBAHC will allow registered attendees to engage with a diverse, multi-sector group and speak openly about your community needs.

Location: Montego Bay Jamaica 

It is true, that we all sometimes need a change of scenery to get the engines going again. The 2026 IIAHC & IBAHC, is strategically located where a change of scenery can spark inspiration and creativity!

A momentarily diversion for many of the front-line personnel's working in high-pressure environments, that can require a lot of patience.

Join us in a location which will align visions and prepare for an upcoming year with renewed energy and focus. Let’s make the most of this chance to connect and strengthen our commitment to establishing the next steps in the affordable housing sector.


Conference, Strategic Meetings and Networking Events
Day 1: January 2, 2026

Day 2: January 3, 2026
Day 3: January 4, 2026
Day 4: January 5, 2026
*Optional  Day 4: 

Just In Time for the Holidays


With many government financing programs commencing in January, the conference looks at what resources will become available or set to expire early 2026.

A work related trip to kick off your holidays, on a "do good note" the 4-day conference in January will allow community leaders, Elders, Chiefs, founders, managers and affordable housing developers to gain a full spectrum of funding opportunities.


As a Black & Indigenous Led organization, IDEAS HC know that  it is imperative for many remote, rural and winter-climatize communities to start breaking ground as soon as possible. Participation at this 4-day conference and strategy meetings provides a knowledgeable head start needed for residents of climatized & remote locations, coincidently, where affordable housing is sparse. 

A woman make payment online using credit card


IDEAS HC welcomes conference attendees from adults of all ages and especially encourage young adults and elders to register as affordable housing is essential for all spectrums of the population 

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